


Coursera 単元2






So this a context, so I think it's important to remember that although
dyslexia is often conceptualized as a specific problem with decoding,
that can also very much exist with accompanying language problems and
it also if we think about things developmentally, the decoding problems
can over time actually have an impact on language development itself.
This is sometimes called the 'Matthew effect' which you may have heard of.
This refers to a biblical reference actually, but
the concept is common across reading.
And the story here is that if a child has struggles to decode, they're going to
perhaps read less text over time, be exposed to less new vocabulary
and that gradual reduction of their vocabulary learning
can actually result in a lower ultimate vocabulary level compared to their peers.
So while their language might have started off at the level of their peers,
if they're not being exposed to enough print content, that can be an issue.